Monday, July 6, 2009

The First Two

Yippee!!! We have our first two scarves. Now granted I donated them, but still! Here's what folks should do when they have scarves to donate:

1. E-mail me at so that we can figure out if you need to mail them, if I need to pick them up, etc.

2. Put a label on the scarves with the following information:
a. Size-- this will help folks distinguish if it should go to an adult,
tween, or child.
b. Materials-- so that those with fabric allergies don't get sick!
c. Words of warmth-- warm people from the inside out.

Thanks so much for your help in this effort!

48 more to go....

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Here We Go!

So, I've wondered, for a while, what I could do to make the world a bit better, a bit brighter. I've been inspired by Project Linus, PostSecret, and countless other projects where people tap into their creativity and touch one another. Last night it occurred to me-- maybe there is something I can do. At the very least, maybe there is something that I can maybe help to organize. It may be small and it may never go farther than this winter, but I'm going to try.

So here's the deal...

This past winter it got bitterly cold here in Columbia, Missouri-- Wind chills in the negative category. There I was driving into work with my heated car seats, mittens on my hands and a scarf around my neck. I remember, vividly, seeing two people, in a row, walking down 9th street with no scarf. One woman, in particular, was pulling at her coat to cover her face, as the blistering wind whipped at her and everything around her. I thought about how I'm a knitter who knits scarves and how she needed one of the several that I have in my bedroom.

Last night it occurred to me that of all the things to knit or crochet, scarves are the easiest. Of all the things to knit or crochet, scarves are one of the most useful. And so why not combine the two? Ask all those that I know to knit a scarf and then give them away to people in need.


I'm in. Are you?

Here's the plan: Collect (at a minimum) 50 scarves for this winter. If I can find 25 industrious folks, that's two scarves per person. Shoot, right now I have at least five that I could donate. The more the merrier. Tell everyone you know. And when you're ready I'll send you my address and collect and distribute them.

I'm in. Are you?